No: 350, 6 December 2019, Press Release Regarding the Intervention of Security Forces to the General Strikes and Protests in France on the 5th of December

Republic Of Türkiye Ministry Of Foreign Affairs 06.12.2019

Turkey, bearing in mind the crucial importance of the stability and security of its NATO ally, France, for the stability and security of Europe, perceives with great concern the events that occurred yesterday (5th of December) during the general strike and protests, especially the disproportionate use of force employed by security forces.

We call upon the French Government to act in accordance with European and universal human rights norms with regard to the demonstrations that are likely to continue in the period ahead.

On the other hand, we consider the police intervention which caused the injury of members of the press, who were attempting to report yesterday's demonstrations to the world, including an Anadolu Agency reporter, as an unacceptable physical intervention against freedom of press. The fact that the French authorities have not issued any apology in this regard also increases the gravity of the situation.


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