Press Release Concerning the Terrorist Attack Against the Ministry of the Interior, Punjab

Republic Of Türkiye Ministry Of Foreign Affairs 16.08.2015

No: 232, 16 August 2015

We have learned with great sadness that a suıicide attack was carried out against the office of the Minister of Interior of the province of Punjab in Attok, Pakistan, in course of a meeting, as a result of which the building collapsed under the impact of the explosion and out of 25 persons, who had been buried in the wreckage 6 persons including Minister Hanzade lost their lives.

We condemn this heinous terrorist attack, convey our condolences to the brotherly Government and people of Pakistan, wish God’s mercy upon those who lost their lives in the attack, and a speedy recovery to those wounded.

We are aware that this terrorist attack cannot discourage Pakistan from continuing its efforts for strengthening the stability in the country and we once again reiterate that we are ready to provide any kind of support to Pakistan in its struggle against terrorism.


Egemen Bağış Ambassador
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