Press Release Regarding the Schoolgirls Kidnapped in Nigeria's Borno State

Republic Of Türkiye Ministry Of Foreign Affairs 08.05.2014

No: 142, 8 May 2014

We strongly denounce the kidnapping of more than 200 schoolgirls from their middle school in the village of Chibok, in Nigeria's Borno State and are deeply concerned by the fact that they have still not been released. We condemn those who carried out this heinous act which led to great indignation in Turkey and in the international community. We urge the immediate release of the abducted schoolchildren.

This act, targeting children and the youth, has shown once again the dark face and the infamy of terrorism.

We are confident that the people of Nigeria will act in unity and solidarity and with the support of the international community to overcome this danger that it is faced with.

On this occasion, we reiterate our strong feelings of solidarity with the friendly and brotherly State and people of Nigeria.


Egemen Bağış Ambassador
Monday - Friday

09.00 - 12.30

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